Stéphanie, Doctorate in Life and Health Sciences


Doctorate in Life and Health Sciences

A graduate of the University of Paris-Saclay, France, Dr. Stéphanie holds a PhD in Life and Health Sciences. She completed her thesis at the Paris-Saclay Neuroscience Institute (Neuro-PSI) in Gif-sur-Yvette (CNRS).

As part of her thesis, she focused on the involvement of a new small nucleolar RNA, identified in Drosophila, and effects on aging and longevity. Part of this research led to her scientific publication as first author in Nature Communication: "Jouvence, a small nucleolar RNA required in the gut extends lifespan in Drosophila".

During her Master 1 course in Health Biology, Infectious and Inflammatory Pathology (P2i) at the CYROI on Reunion Island, she participated in the publication of another scientific article "Impaired constitutive and regenerative neurogenesis in adult hyperglycemic zebrafish" in the Journal of Comparative Neurology.

She has held the position of Scientific Communication Executive at Typology since May 2021 and has authored many articles published in the "Library".


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