The Values

The responsibilities of a B-corp status
"Typology is a mission-driven, environmentally friendly company with a positive impact on society. From the very beginning of this project, I wanted to design a company with a different vision of consumption. The whole team is proud of this step, which symbolizes the real commitment of our brand," explains Ning Li, founder.
B Corp certification applies to the entire company and covers five key areas: governance, workers, community, environment and customers. The certification process is rigorous, requiring more than 80 out of 200 points and providing evidence of all socially and environmentally responsible practices - including energy supply, waste and water management, worker well-being, diversity and corporate transparency. Finally, the company must modify its corporate purpose to incorporate its commitment to having a positive and significant societal and environmental impact and its consideration of its stakeholders.

The B-corp label requires companies to be involved in various aspects:
Governance: all decision making is guided by the respect of an ethical charter and has transparency as a common base, e.g. the company's accounts are certified every year and the financial elements are shared regularly with the employees, in full transparency
Employee: the well-being and safety of its employees is at the heart of Typology's philosophy. Personal development and career development are guarantees within the brand's HR strategy
Community: Typology directs its choices to highlight diversity both in terms of employees and the suppliers it works with. The brand will also implement actions demonstrating its civic commitment through donations, for example. At the same time, it is committed to enforcing an ethical charter with its partners
Environment: the sourcing of ingredients, packaging and delivery to customers are respectfully designed to be organically grown and to have the minimum impact on the environment. Flat packaging and shipping boxes designed to be sent directly to the mailboxes and thus reduce the carbon footprint are one example
Customers: Typology has chosen to be a 100% digital brand in order to minimize the intermediaries with its customers and thus be as close as possible to their expectations and questions. The consumer is directly involved in the creation and improvement of products.